Important notes for submission
Submission instructions and presentation definitions for the 61st Annual Meeting of the Society for Laboratory Animal Science GV-SOLAS.
In due time, the Scientific Committee and the Organizing Committee will select the appropriate presentation format based on the needs and structure of the overall program. Abstracts may be considered for presentation types other than the two standard submissions (poster, oral), such as workshop. If this occurs, the organizing committee will contact the author. All authors will be informed about the acceptance or rejection, the further procedure and the accepted format at the end of June 2024.
For further information please contact: abstract@eventclass.org and gv-solas@intercom.de.
Notes for presenters
Oral information
Technical equipment available in each lecture hall is a laptop and data projector for a Power Point presentation in 16:9 format with 1920×1080 pixel resolution. Please note that the use of own laptops is not possible. We kindly ask all speakers (m/f/d) to hand in or upload their data early at the media reception. No media will be accepted in the lecture halls. During the session, each speaker (m/f/d) will control his/her own presentation via radio presenter, technical staff will be available in the room.
Available hardware:
PC or laptop (Intel CPU),
min. 4GB RAM, min. 200GB HDD, DVD drive, USB 2.0
Existing software on the presentation computers:
OS: Microsoft Windows 10 or 11 (64 bit)
Office: min. Microsoft Office 2010 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), downward compatible
Other: Adobe Acrobat Reader, Quick Time, VLC-Player
Contributions should be handed in at the media acceptance desk at least 2 hours before the start of the session. Please follow the signs on site.
Please note the rule for presenters that conflicts of interest of authors will be listed in your presentation.
Integrated Videos:
These often cause presentation problems. If you cannot do without videos, please make sure that they are copied to the data medium and saved in the same directory as the presentation. Please test data media with integrated videos on different computers to ensure integration. One way to integrate different media into PowerPoint is to use the PACK&GO feature available in Microsoft PowerPoint to play lectures on other computers.
Using Apple:
We ask that you make your presentation compatible with Microsoft Office. For the test please hand in your presentation in the media check. It will then be tested with the computers available there.
To ensure a smooth process, we only allow you to use your own Apple MacBook for the presentation in exceptional cases. Since there are different standards, the adapter to VGA has to be carried along by yourself. Please inform the media reception in time about your wish to use your Apple MacBook.
Poster information
All poster contributions will be on display during the whole conference. Poster mounting should please be done by September 11, 2024 by 12:00.
Please refer to the program for your poster number and attach the poster to the designated movable wall. Mounting materials will be provided.
Poster format: DIN A0 poster in portrait format.
We kindly ask you to remove the posters at the end of the conference. Posters that have not been removed will not be kept.
Please note that the location of the poster presentation has not been determined yet.
Important dates
January 22, 2024
Opening of the abstract system
March 25, 2024
Opening of the registration
May 19, 2024
Deadline for abstract submission
May 26, 2024
Renewal deadline for abstract submission
June 17, 2024
Dispatch of acceptance notification
July 1, 2024
Deadline for early bird registration
From July 2, 2024
Regular registration
August 26, 2024
Start of late booker registration
September 11 – 13, 2024
Registration is open
Abstract submission is open